Family Law

Family law matters affect a wide variety of individuals and families. When the legal world and your family collide, the result can be extremely emotional, confusing, and overwhelming. At Alyse Fowler Law LLC, we take great pride in treating every client like a person—not a case number. That personalized treatment is even more important in family law matters.

Our office handles a wide variety of family law issues, from extremely complex divorces to simple name changes. We can address your needs with a good mix of knowledge, experience, and compassion. We serve families in Elba, Coffee, Covington, Crenshaw, Geneva, Dale and surrounding counties.

We strive to be a trusted confidant and guide through the complex legal requirements you may face in dealing with any family law matter. Family law issues can be very emotional. We will work hard to help you assert your legal rights while also providing a rationale sounding board. Our straightforward approach will give you the information you need to make smart decisions for your family.

At Alyse Fowler Law LLC, we know that you put your trust in our abilities, and we take that obligation seriously. You can count on dedicated legal representation no matter what your family law concern may be. Learn more about how we can help by contacting our office today.


Separating from a spouse is rarely easy. It has wide-ranging effects that go far beyond your relationship. It may affect your children, how you provide for yourself, and a lot more. We know that you have put a lot of time and effort into considering your options, and we want to help guide you through the divorce or legal separation process when and if you are ready to take that step.

Our office has experience with both contested and uncontested divorce or separation proceedings in Alabama. We can also be as aggressive as you would like to be in working through your divorce proceeding.

Alyse Fowler Law LLC has experience in several matters related to divorce as well, including determining child support and child custody. We can also help with more complex divorce issues, including valuing unique properties, such as commercial real estate or business ownership. Ultimately, we can help you get a fair and reasonable result in your divorce proceeding, no matter what your situation may be. We have experience both negotiating divorce terms and taking cases to trial.

Set up a consultation with our office to learn more about how we can help you through the divorce process in Elba, Coffee, Covington, Crenshaw, Geneva, Dale and surrounding counties. We also offer technologically advanced methods to communicate, such as through online case management and more.

Child Custody

At Alyse Fowler Law LLC, we know just how important your children are to you. We will help you fight for your legal rights regarding child custody in Alabama. We will also help you realistically evaluate your child’s situation so you can get input on what is in the best interests of your child regarding custody as well. Our office also assists with developing parenting plans and visitation arrangements.

In most situations, your child will benefit from having involvement with both parents. However, there are circumstances when the other parent is not a good influence on your child. They may even be detrimental to your child’s emotional, physical, or psychological well-being. In those circumstances, you need to fight for your child’s safety, and Alyse Fowler Law LLC can help with that process.

Our team also prides itself on developing creative solutions regarding child custody. We can work with you and the other parent (or their attorney) to create a plan that can be workable for everyone. When you have come to a roadblock in discussions with the other parent, it may be time to call in a professional. Alyse Fowler Law LLC is here for you—contact our team to set up an appointment to discuss your situation.

Child Support

It’s no secret that children require a lot of financial resources. However, when parents are no longer together or in the same household, the financial support provided to a child must be fair and based on applicable law that affects those in Alabama. Whether you need to get support for your child or you are working toward changing support obligations, Alyse Fowler Law LLC can help.

Child support is specifically designed to support the child. There are several rules and restrictions in place that govern how much the custodial parent should receive based on the income of both parents and how many children they are supporting. While the rules are somewhat strict, there are alternative options in many cases. Our team can review your unique situation and determine your rights and responsibilities regarding child support.

Located in Elba, Alabama, Alyse Fowler Law LLC assists clients in Coffee, Covington, Geneva, Dale, and surrounding counties. We can help you get child support as part of a divorce or through a separate child support proceeding. Our team can also help you modify child support obligations, whether you are paying or receiving support. Contact us to learn more about how we can help.


Paternity issues in Alabama can be very sensitive subjects. In general, paternity conflicts come up under two circumstances. First, a mother may want to determine who the father of her child may be. She might do this for several reasons. She may want to simply ensure that the father of her children has legal rights to his children when the couple is not married. She might also want to move forward with requesting child support. Proving paternity is required under any child support request.

The father of a child might also want to start a paternity action to prove that he is the father of a child so he can assert his rights regarding the child. This situation is particularly relevant if the mother is denying the father access to the child or information about the child. Fathers might also want to start paternity action to disprove that he is the father. Disproving paternity cuts off any potential rights that the child or other parent may have regarding child support, insurance proceeds, inheritance, and more.

Whatever your situation, Alyse Fowler Law LLC can help. We can walk you through a paternity proceeding and explain your legal rights and responsibilities regarding paternity to you. Contact our office to learn more or to set up a consultation.

Dependency (Termination of Parental Rights)

A juvenile dependency proceeding is the formal legal name for any situation where there have been allegations regarding neglect or abuse. A relative or caregiver will often start these proceedings because they are worried about the safety and well-being of a child.

Dependency proceedings can be very difficult because parents risk losing their parental rights if they do not respond appropriately to accusations of abuse or neglect. As a parent who loves their children, accusations of abuse or neglect can be devastating. Thankfully, you do not have to just accept what is happening—you can take action to protect your child and your legal rights regarding your child.

Alyse Fowler Law LLC can help in this difficult situation. Our team will work hard to help you investigate the claim and present any argument against the allegations that we can. We will also help you work through any requirements that the Court may impose to regain custody of your children, if necessary.

Unfortunately, the processes that you have to go through in dependency proceedings can be very complicated. One wrong action can affect you and your child’s life for years to come. Do not try to go through this complicated but very important process on your own. Instead, speak with our team. Alyse Fowler Law LLC will evaluate your situation and help you decide what your next steps should be.


The adoption process is an exciting time! Adding a member to your family is one of the most joyous experiences you can have. Alyse Fowler Law LLC would love to be part of the process of including a new addition to your family.

The adoption process can occur in several ways. Each of these methods is very tightly legally controlled and complicated. Unfortunately, something that is very exciting for your family can be a headache to ensure you are complying with all of Alabama’s legal requirements. However, you can leave the red tape to Alyse Fowler Law LLC. We will work with you to take the required steps to ensure your new addition is legally valid.

Our office can also help with stepparent adoption as well. In this process, the non-biological spouse will take steps to formally adopt a child who is often already living in the same home. Stepchildren adoptions are sometimes symbolic. They show the child that the stepparent is ready and willing to take a very involved role in the child’s life. Practically, they are helpful to ensure that the child will have all of the legal rights associated with being a legal child of the non-biological spouse, such as for health insurance benefits, life insurance, and probate.

Alyse Fowler Law LLC can also assist with adult adoptions as well. If you are considering adoption, start the process by contacting our office to request a consultation or get more information. We can assist those in Elba, Alabama, and the surrounding areas.

Name Changes

Your name is associated with almost everything you do. When you want to change it, the law has a somewhat complicated process that you need to work through to ensure that you are changing your name for a valid purpose. Alyse Fowler Law LLC can help you work through this process and deal with many of the administrative headaches for you.

There are many reasons that you might want to change your name. If the name change is part of a marriage or divorce, you may be able to change your name as part of those processes. If so, our office can help you work through those requirements. You can also change your name because of adoption, whether as an adult or a child. Alternatively, you can often change your name simply because you want to make a change.

Whatever the reason, Alyse Fowler Law LLC can help you with your name change. Whether you live in Elba, Coffee, Covington, Crenshaw, Geneva, Dale or anywhere in between, our Elba, Alabama law office is available to address your name change needs. Learn more by contacting Alyse Fowler Law LLC to set up a consultation to discuss your situation.

Learn more about how we can help by contacting our office today.

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